Issues of socio-economic development have taken centre stage in international thinking on conflict and peace. Socio-economic development ranks high on people’s agendas and is considered an important condition for avoiding relapse into conflict. It is increasingly recognised that the nature of fragile and conflict-affected situations is multiplex, bringing up questions as: How can the private sector be involved in socio-economic recovery? What is the role of labour in food security interventions? What happens when rebels take part in a new government? How can social movements play a role in disaster risk reduction? And how does governance work in new urban contexts?

This conference will take stock of current knowledge on socio-economic recovery in fragile states: what do we know, and what does this mean for policy and practice? The event features a number of speakers: Gary Milante (SIPRI), Winnie Wairimu (IS Academy), Dirk-Jan Koch (Search for Common Ground), Joost Andriessen (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and Dorothea Hilhorst (Wageningen University). Additionally, the event will include two short films and a variety of small scale break-out sessions. More information about the themes for the break-out sessions and the programme can be found in our brochure.

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