SOMO, Oxfam Novib and Tilburg Law School jointly organize an expert meeting on the role of the private sector in conflict-affected areas. The meeting specifically focuses on the role of multinational corporations and the extent to which they operate in a conflict sensitive manner. The purpose of the meeting is to convene research, policy and practice on the nexus of private sector and conflict, and to jointly identify the most prominent research and policy questions with the aim to find pathways for connecting ongoing research to policies and practice.

By bringing together researchers, practitioners, experts and policymakers, we hope to stimulate the ‘research uptake’ (i.e. the application of theoretical insights into practice), leading to a better understanding of how the private sector may positively impact on conflict affected areas. The outcomes of the meeting will be useful to policymakers and practitioners working on fragile states in relation to private sector development.

To ensure a focused discussion, the expert meeting will focus on two main topics:

  • What research has been done over the last years on the impacts of multinational corporations in conflict-affected areas? How can this research be used most effectively, in order to determine the positive/constructive as well as the negative/destructive impacts that multinational corporations may have within conflict contexts? Can gaps in research be identified, are certain issues underresearched?
  • Where do you see the space for improvement when it comes to stimulating multinational corporations to act in a conflict sensitive manner, as well as providing them with the right incentives and legal frameworks to do so? 

The invitation is on a personal basis as we seek to ensure familiarity with the topic and a high level of discussion. Should you wish to participate, please send an email to: 


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