The Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law is hosting an informal roundtable on Africa in the global power context and the future capabilities of the continent’s Big Five: Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria and South Africa with Dr. Jakkie Cilliers, Executive Director and Head of the African Futures and Innovation Section of the Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria. The meeting will held on Thursday 4 June, 14.30-16.30 at The Hague Institute for Global Justice, Sophialaan 10, The Hague.
As Africa aspires to take responsibility for its development, peace and security, the question of regional leadership is key. Dr Cilliers will discuss the historical distribution of power in Africa and how it is likely to change over the next 25 years. In an increasingly multipolar world, parts of Africa will become more prosperous. But will that change Africa’s relative influence globally? And which countries have the greatest ‘power potential’?
After the presentation by Jakkie Cilliers, brief responses will be provided from policy and academic angles, before the floor is open for an informal discussion on the issues addressed.
We would highly appreciate your participation in this event. 

Registration is on the basis of first come first serve.


New research by the ISS explores Africa in the global power context and the future capabilities of the continent’s Big Five: Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria and South Africa. The full results are published in the latest paper in the African Futures series, paper available from here:


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