On Wednesday 7 October 2015, The Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law organizes a one-day closed door Interactive Brainstorm entitled ‘Innovative thinking on strategic approaches to conflict management’.

As the international community encounters countries and regions that are caught up in high levels of violence and atrocities, the limits of the current international response system are exposed. With the inability to reform the United Nations Security Council being seen as a bottleneck, and other innovations such as the Responsibility to Protect not having the desired impact, the time is ripe to explore fresh thinking on international conflict management.

The primary aim of this daylong workshop is to explore innovative ideas on how to mitigate violent intrastate conflict. To that end, we will bring together experts from diverse backgrounds to:

  • assess the international community’s current conflict management response systems and possibilities for progress,
  • explore how non-state actors approach violent conflict in alternative and innovative ways, and
  • identify and explore a number of new avenues to improving conflict management by the international community in several concrete cases.

For more information on the event, please contact project officer of the Secretariat, Bart Weijs.



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