The event aims to unpack some of the results and learnings of the projects implemented under the Reconstruction Tender, with a regional focus on the Great Lakes Region. The goal is to facilitate knowledge transfer, to capture results and learnings, and to extract these learnings and feed them into the subsequent implementation of programs and projects. During this event, our focus will move beyond activities only, to also share and discuss results, insights, and how these results were accomplished.  

There is increasing national, regional and international recognition of the need to tackle the root causes of armed conflict, instability and forced migration to ensure sustainable peace and security. In conflict contexts, and in particular during the aftermath of conflict, it is essential to restore people’s trust in the State and improve human security.

In recent years, The Netherlands has contributed, through several channels, to tackling the root causes of armed conflict, instability and irregular migration. Through multilateral and bilateral programs, but also by the means of diplomatic, political and military efforts, The Netherlands has been involved on a regional and national level with peacekeeping, facilitating peace processes, strengthening the rule of law and enhancing the capacity of (central) governments. At the same time, by subsidizing NGOs (e.g. Reconstruction Tender, Strategic Partnerships Protracted Crises and Dialogue & Dissent), efforts are made to tackle these root causes through a ‘bottom-up’ approach by i.e. strengthening civil society, encouraging possibilities for peaceful conflict resolution and improving social cohesion amongst citizens, as well as the social contract between citizens and the government. The Netherlands remains committed to this approach and therefore presented an overarching NGO fund, the Addressing Root Causes Fund (ARC Fund), in 2016.

Great Lakes reconstruction work
For decades Burundi, Rwanda and Eastern DRC have suffered from endemic conflicts with
highly destructive human, economic, social and institutional effects. Several INGO’s, with
their partners, were granted so-called Reconstruction funding. Through these programs,
peace and security, rule of law and governance were promoted in conflict and post-conflict
countries. Most of these projects are now coming to a close and evaluations are being
conducted or are currently taking place. Extracting lessons learned from these programs in
the Great Lakes Region can provide for a meaningful avenue to foster future thinking,
particularly in view of the start of the implementation of the ARC funds in Great Lakes
countries. Thus, sharing key learnings from 4 years of work in the Great Lakes can be of
utmost importance for the sustainability and impact of continued joint efforts in support of
conflict-affected countries or post-conflict societies (ARC, SPs).

Key questions
Tentatively, the following questions will be discussed during the event, linking the
Reconstruction Tender with ARC:

Assumptions vs. reality: what did we assume four years ago and what has become reality at
the national and regional levels? Which results have been achieved and has change
happened? Or why not?
– Priority areas: Inclusive political processes, employment for stability
– Approaches: Different tools and techniques have been used by programs to effect positive change at the national and regional levels e.g. Evidence-based reports, edutainment, influencing, lobby & advocacy. What has worked or not, and why?

Monitoring, evaluation and learning: How to measure outcomes rather than activities to assess the impact of programs on the local population? How to go about adaptive programming and which lessons can be learned from how programs adapted to the crisis
in Burundi.

Partnerships: How have local partners (given the importance of partners within ARC and
SP) perceived the partnership with INGO’s (and vice versa)? What has been the result of
capacity-building? Are partners able to move on (independently) and are programs still in
place following the reconstruction funding, thus enhancing their sustainability? What
approaches worked best? And how are leadership roles of partners in the program
encouraged by INGO’s?

MEAL: How to measure impact based on perceptions of populations, cq. ordinary poor

– Informal
– Plenaries and group work with ample opportunity for interaction
– No PowerPoints. Program examples allowed (documentaries, edutainment, examples of reports, etc.)
– Input by local/international organizations regarding Lessons Learned Reconstruction Tender

More information
– For more information on the content, program, or your contribution, please send an email to Wouter van Dis (].
– For any practical issues, please feel free to send an email to the Platform Secretariat (


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