Interested in or knowledgeable about the African Union (AU)? Curious about how the AU works, what its role is in Africa and beyond, and whether it operates effectively? With the Netherlands preparing for the 2018 term in the UN Security Council, what needs to be done to improve collaboration with the AU in areas related to peace and security, migration and international justice?

This meeting will offer an interactive space for practitioners to share insights and experiences to chart strategic opportunites for 21st century engagement between the Netherlands and the AU. There will be two sessions, featuring a diverse and experienced group of panelists.

  •  The first session will cover issues related to peace, security and governance
  •  The second session will examine issues related to migration

This meeting is organized by the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), in collaboration with the Netherlands’ representation to the African Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and hosted by the Platform. The meeting is by invitation only.

The full program is available here.

The meeting will be held under Chatham House Rule.


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