Date Monday 10th October 2016

Course Lead  Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law

Location British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square, London, WC1B 5JP

About the Course
The rule of law has universal relevance for all involved in the law, justice system and legal policy. This innovative course introduces participants to using the rule of law as a practical tool for legal work in a wide range of areas both within the UK and internationally. When you attend this course, you will explore the different elements of the rule of law in concrete terms, thinking about how rule of law principles apply in a wide variety of areas, and discovering how to draw on the rule of law as an invaluable principle and framework. It will be conducted as interactive discussions, with case studies and practical examples, as applied learning.

The Bingham Centre’s leading rule of law experts deliver the sessions that are aimed not only at those in legal practice, but also NGO staff and academics who work on law reform and legal policy. The sessions use rule of law standards, such as the Venice Commission’s Rule of Law Checklist, as a touchstone and resource that translates the rule of law into a detailed set of questions and issues.

Why take this course?
Do you engage with and seek to influence law reform and policy in the UK or internationally? Have you confronted issues of governance gaps and globalisation, development, or corruption in your work?

Do you work in private legal practice, for government, with corporations, with civil society or in any other role where issues of the rule of law arise?

How can something as important and also as abstract as the rule of law be measured?

The Bingham Centre’s Rule of Law Course will help you with these challenges and more.

Course topics
The Rule of Law course consists of a number of sessions on key aspects of the rule of law. Across these sessions, the
following issues will be considered:

  • Rule of law principles;
  • Measurement and indicators for access to justice and rule of law in the context of the UN Sustainable
    Development Goals;
  • Judicial engagement with rule of law principles when deciding cases, focusing on the international transfer and torture of detainees;
  • Transitional justice mechanisms that seek to establish accountability for past abuses; and
  • Anti-corruption as a key area for strengthening the rule of law in a globalised world.

Course benefits
Learn in the heart of London at one of the world’s leading independent research centres for international and
comparative law

  • CPD accredited course (6.5 CPD hours)
  • Competitive course fee with course materials and reading list
  • Certificate of successful completion (hardcopy and electronic version).

Teaching arrangements
Teaching will be seminar style with an emphasis on class discussion and applied learning.

All sessions will be taught in English. If you are not a native English speaker, you will need to have experience of
studying in English at university level or to have achieved an appropriate score in the International Language
Testing System (IELTS) or an equivalent programme.

CPD accreditation
The course is accredited with 6.5 CPD hours.

Fees and applying
The course fee is £225 (incl. VAT) and covers:

  • CPD accredited course (6.5 CPD hours)Competitive course fee with course materials and reading list
  • Tuition and course materials
  • Refreshments (tea/coffee/water) during sessions plus sandwiches during the lunch breaks
  • Certificate of completion (hardcopy and electronic version).

Booking deadline: 22nd September 2016 (Places are limited. Early booking is advised).

Group Booking Discount

  • A 10% discount applies if four or more people from the same company register.
  • A 10% discount applies to those learners booking all three of our October short courses.
  • A 30% discount will apply to third sector organisations booking two or more places

Book online at


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