To respond to the root causes of armed conflict, instability and irregular migration, fifteen NGOs and their partners have been selected to tackle these root causes in twelve countries in the coming five years, together with The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On 20 June, this unique collaboration will be launched. The kick-off meeting will provide for an opportunity to network and to get to know each other. It also aims to provide scope for learning, and to set the first steps towards the development of an overarching results framework for the Dutch security and rule of law policy priorities, beyond the ARC fund itself.

Besides plenary sessions, the day will mainly consist of breakout sessions in the form of working groups, a thematic carousel and organizational workshops.

  • Working groups: aligned with the policy goals, these working group sessions aim to kick-start the collaborative development of the overarching results framework.
  • Thematic carousel: this interactive carousel will take you on a journey, exploring the key common challenges for program development under the ARC fund: market analysis, gender and conflict sensitivity.
  • Organizational workshops on 1) partnerships and 2) adaptive programming: exchange & learning on effective partnerships; tools and approaches on how to implement new insights on adaptive programming & becoming a learning organization into your program design and implementation.


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