Call for concept notes

Rule of Law Fund – Indonesia



The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Jakarta has established a Rule of Law Fund for the purpose of enhancing synergy and cooperation within the law and justice sector in Indonesia, as well as to promote the regional legal order. The Rule of Law Fund builds upon the recommendations of the 2012 Dutch evaluation of its bilateral rule of law program in Indonesia and is in alignment with the strategic goals outlined in the Joint Declaration on a Comprehensive Partnership between Indonesia and the Netherlands as well as the Embassy’s 2014-2017 Multi Annual Strategic Plan.

The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) is responsible for the management of the Rule of Law Fund and awarding grants that will contribute to the provision oftechnical assistance, mobilisation of experts, and strengthening of capacity in four focus areas:

  1. Capacity building of legal institutions

  2. Legal service delivery, focusing on legal aid, access to justice and accountability

  3. Research activities in support of the above and in relation with security, rule of law and human rights

  4. Strengthening the regional legal order in cooperation with Indonesia within the framework of ASEAN

The Indonesia Netherlands Legal Update (INLU) which took place in November 2014 in The Hague, was a unique opportunity for Dutch and Indonesian counterparts to meet and discuss recent progress in legal cooperation and identify priority areas for future work. The rule of law fund will be a key instrument to support some of the priorities identified during these discussions and provide financial support to translate them into concrete activities and projects.

In advance of the INLU follow-up meeting which will be organised in Jakarta on June 4, 2015, IDLO is launching a call for expressions of interest to implement programs under the framework of the Rule of Law Fund. The initial call for proposals is to generate programmatic ideas for discussion with Indonesian authorities and could lead to the development of cooperation projects or pilot activities. Organizations who wish to apply are invited to use the standard concept note form in accordance with the rules set out in this notice.




Concept notes to be sent by email at the following


Deadline: 26 May 2015


For any inquiries, contact:,


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