WO=MEN and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are organizing the Kick off meeting for the development of the third Dutch National Action Plan SCR1325. 

This meeting intends to gather all signatories to the Dutch NAP 1325, as well as parties interested to join. The Kick off meeting will build on recommendations formulated during the Conference ‘Women: Powerful Agents for Peace and Security’ in February and several brainstorm sessions with 1325 signatories. The aim is to come to one common framework for NAP 3: Guiding Principles, based on the input gathered at the different meetings. These Guiding Principles will be formulated by all of the participants during the Kick Off meeting on the 24th of April and will be the beginning of the writing process for the new National Action Plan.

Please register before the 22nd of April, 18:00, and inform the organizers of any dietary requirements. 


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