“Socio-Economic Recovery in Fragile States”

Final conference of the IS Academy Human Security in Fragile States

In recent years, issues of socio-economic development have taken centre stage in international thinking on conflict and peace. Socio-economic development ranks high on people’s agendas and is considered an important condition for avoiding relapse into conflict. It is increasingly recognised that the nature of fragile and conflict-affected situations is multiplex, bringing up questions as: How can the private sector be involved in socio-economic recovery? What is the role of labour in food security interventions? What happens when rebels take part in a new government? How can social movements play a role in disaster risk reduction? And how does governance work in new urban contexts?

This conference will take stock of current knowledge on socio-economic recovery in fragile states: what do we know, and what does this mean for policy and practice? The event includes several cutting edge speakers, short films and small scale workshops with key findings of the IS Academy Human Security in Fragile States, on socio-economic recovery, governance and interventions in fragile settings.

The conference is the closing event of the IS Academy Human Security in Fragile States, a five-year research project with 9 PhD candidates and a number of shorter researches, involving the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ICCO, Cordaid, Oxfam Novib, ZOA, the Netherlands Red Cross, and Wageningen University. See the IS Academy website for more of our work.


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