This Interactive Brainstorm explores why the change that is needed for better security/justice programming is not happening despite the weight of evidence that is available and calling for it. To generate a fruitful discussion in an organic as well as focused manner, three hypotheses will be discussed and (re)developed over the course of the day:

Hypothesis 1: Depending on the purpose of security/justice programs, the domestic nature and tangible-results-focus of donor-promoted accountability prevent more flexible forms of program engagement, stakeholder management and monitoring/results-reporting from developing. 

Hypothesis 2: The status-quo power of established bureaucratic procedures and relations prevents the emergence of innovative spaces in which experiential approaches to security/justice programming can be attempted. 

Hypothesis 3: The skills and knowledge of a significant number of development practitioners for initiating and experimenting with more innovative security/justice programming are not adequate. 

The event will combine three methods to get a useful conversation about these hypotheses going:

  • Deliberative reflection: This is a conversation technique that invites imaginative listening and constructive layering (or reframing) to build a conversation. It tries to avoid stand-alone critiques, disagreement or unproductive ‘but’ and ‘if’s’. Critical thought is welcome and the invitation is to frame it positively to progress a conversation;
  • Breakout groups with a task to produce: This is a focused work method to produce new ideas, content or process. Break out groups receive a concrete task with a given amount of time and other resources with which to complete it. It is an invitation to participants to take responsibility for the event and to make a hands-on contribution.
  • Prototyping: This is an iterative modelling approach that will be used throughout the day by each participant individually (or collectively if you wish to team up) to develop a realistic yet imaginary program throughout the day on the basis of what you hear. At the end of the day, each participant will be invited to present this to stimulate peer learning.

For more information, please contact the secretariat. 


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