This Interactive Brainstorm explores how programs developed to control and regulate mass popular movements by responding to the causes, dynamics, and consequences of migration and displacement can be designed in a manner that is conflict-sensitive and aware of existing power structures.

By highlighting how current migration flows in North Africa and the Sahel feed elitist governing agreements and contribute to livelihood provision and protection strategies, the day will draw attention to the interaction between migration and the empirical manifestation of political (dis)order in North African and Sahel countries. A solid understanding of these dynamics is required to develop policies that do least harm in a region that is already very complex to begin with.

To achieve this, this daylong workshop brings together experts from diverse backgrounds for an open-minded exploration of the interplay between migration and political (in)stability. The goal is to:

  1. Reach a shared understanding of the systemic connections between migration flows and resources, local and national elite governance agreements, and livelihood provision and protection strategies;
  2. Discuss current and future programs that aim to control and regulate mass migration movements, and assess how these take into account such systemic connections; and
  3. Discuss novel, out-of-the-box, policy solutions departing from a shared understanding of the socio-political role of migration in the region. 

For more information on the event, please contact Steven Lanting of the Platform Secretariat.


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