9 November, 13.00-14.00


Gerard Prinsen (Senior Lecturer Massey University, New Zealand and External Advisor for DCR KN)

Kenze Ndamukenze (DCR Country Coordinator DR Congo)

Aidan Goldsmith (DCR Country Coordinator South Sudan)


How do you set up models for collaboration between national universities, think tanks, research centres and international NGOs in fragile African states? Why would you set up such collaboration, and what are the advantages and obstacles for the different key players? The Dutch Consortium for Rehabilitation Knowledge Network (DCR-KN) will reflect on its experiences with ‘knowledge networking’ in DR Congo, South Sudan, Burundi and Uganda.  During this lunch seminar we would like to share and specifically reflect on the practices and experiences of the African Studies Centre and DCR-KN regarding the collaboration with national knowledge institutes and to discuss the added value, lessons and challenges of these collaboration structures.

DCR is a consortium of four Dutch NGOs (CARE, HealthNet TPO, Save the Children and ZOA), working in the fields of education, health, local governance, livelihoods and water and sanitation in 6 African post-conflict countries (Burundi, DR Congo, Liberia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda) between 2011 and 2015.  Since 2014, the KN is working on a strategy for collaboration between the DCR members and national knowledge institutes. The reason to develop this strategy is to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge generated by the DCR Knowledge Network. 

Venue: Afrika-Studiecentrum, Bestuurskamer 1e etage, Pieter de la Courtgebouw, Wassenaarseweg 52, Leiden

You are all very welcome.




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