WO=MEN, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law gathered civil society organizations, government institutions and knowledge institutes for an interactive kick-off of the process towards a new Dutch National Action Plan on Resolution 1325.

This year marks the 15th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. This year will also see the launch of the third Dutch National Action Plan 1325, to contribute to the worldwide implementation of and compliance with the resolution. The Netherlands is unique in its collaboration between civil society organisations and the Dutch government on the implementation of the National Action Plan.

The strength of the Dutch National Action plan lies in the diversity of its signatories, and this entails a large diversity of opinions and stakes. At the kick-off meeting this led to engaging debates on numerous subjects. At the end of the day, the participants agreed on the first steps of the process towards NAP 3. The new Plan will be developed  with close involvement of a reading group of various representatives of current NAP signatories.

Way ahead

The reading group will meet on a regular basis with the writing team. In September 2015 a large meeting with all NAP 1325 signatories will take place, to provide feedback on the first draft of the third National Action Plan. The ambition is to present the final National Action Plan by the end of October.

More information

For more information, or to become involved in this process, please contact Anne Kwakkenbos, coordinator NAP 1325.


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