This interactive, closed door expert session aims to stimulate open and candid discussion on local value chain development in fragile and conflict-affected contexts by focusing on the findings of a pilot case study on the factors and conditions which facilitate or hamper the development and upgrading of Heineken’s local sorghum beer value chain in crisis-affected Burundi. It does so with the ambition to capture broader influencing factors that stem from the socio-political context and the vertical but also horizontal linkages in the chain for the direct and indirect stakeholders involved. The session aims to inform and guide future collaborative efforts in building and upgrading business-led value chains in contexts of instability.

This event will convene a select group of experts from diverse backgrounds -private sector, research, civil society, and policy makers – to work together to reflect and share thoughts on the findings. After a brief presentation of these findings, moderators will lead the discussion to reflect upon them from different perspectives and engage in a critical and constructive discussion.

Please contact Sarah Drost (, +31 (0)70 314 19 69) for further information on content or the Secretariat of the Platform for other issues. 


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