On behalf of the Roosevelt Foundation and The Hague Institute for Global Justice, it is a great pleasure to invite you to participate in the Roosevelt Awards laureates’ event entitled ‘Roosevelt in The Hague.’ The event will take place at the Peace Palace in The Hague, The Netherlands, on Friday 22 April 2016 from 10.00-13.00 (including lunch).

This event will involve the laureates who each received a Four Freedoms Award at the Four Freedoms Awards ceremony the day before in Middelburg, and is intended to present  the laureates and the fields in which they work.

You are also invited to participate in one of four working group sessions in the afternoon from 14.00-16.30 at The Hague Institute. Each working group will be devoted to one of the Four Freedoms. We believe your expertise allows you to make an important contribution to the discussion, which will include politicians, policymakers, practitioners and students. Each working group will be co-chaired by a laureate. The afternoon event will be followed by a reception.

We would be grateful if you can confirm your participation via F.Smith@TheHagueInstitute.org and indicate in which working group you would like to participate. Kindly note that seats are limited and early registration is encouraged. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.

We look forward to welcoming you in The Hague!

Kind regards,

Fabienne Smith 


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