The SECURCIT research group, in cooperation with gate48 and De Balie, is organizing a series of events on security mobilities. Please register via: 

  • Film screening and Dutch premiere: ‘The Lab’

This investigative documentary reveals how the Israeli military occupation in Palestine has become a business rather than a burden. With Q&A with the filmmaker Yotam Feldman.

Wednesday, September 10, 20:00hrs
Tickets: (student discount)

  • Workshop Security Mobilities

Presentations on security mobilities between Israel, the Americas, Europe and Africa.

Thursday, September 11, 13:00-15:00hrs
University Library, Singel 425, C0.01 (Potgieterzaal)

Admission: free

  • Public Lecture by Prof. Carolyn Nordstrom (University of Notre Dame) “Cybershadows: New Security Realities in a Digital World’’ 

This lecture argues for a social sciences approach to security studies, as governments and industry promote cyber-armies, weaponizing synthetic DNA and nano-technologies.

Thursday, September 11, 16:00-17:00hrs
Oudemanhuispoort 4-6, OMHP A 0.08
Admission: free, followed by drinks

  • PhD Masterclass with Carolyn Nordstrom

Friday, September 12, 11.00-13.00hrs
University Library, Singel 425, C0.01 (Potgieterzaal)
Registration required, limited places available. 
Admission: free, including lunch


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