How can governments promote citizen security and protect human rights after violent conflict? What policies and instruments do they have to foster reconciliation and peacebuilding amongst different ethnic or religious groups? And what attitude and skills do government officials need to lead conflict transformation processes?

These are the key issues that will be discussed in our training on Conflict, Rule of Law and Local Security which will be organised from 30 November to 11 December 2015 in The Hague. In this course, the focus will be on instruments for effective cooperation between public security actors at national and sub-national level as well as on ways to involve the local community in promoting reconciliation and local security.

Together with international experts, participants will discuss case studies and lessons learned  from different parts of the world, and relate these to their own working context. To increase understanding of their local context, they will be actively engaged in conflict analysis and conflict mapping exercises. Furthermore, they will be introduced to conflict sensitive approaches and do’s and don’ts in mediation and reconciliation processes.


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