In this Interactive Brainstorm participants will discuss the question of whether donors should engage informal justice systems when developing justice related programming, and if so, how. The discussion will be an opportunity to discuss participants’ experiences as well as the findings from a report by Geoffrey Swenson entitled Understanding and Engaging Informal Justice, which is meant to feed into this event. The report, ideas and conclusions of the day will feed into a policy brief that aims to provide donors with concrete recommendations on how to best consider and engage informal justice systems when developing justice related programming in developing states.

During this Brainstorm, key questions will be discussed by a small group of international experts, led by a moderator who will encourage broad participation. Participants will be asked to pitch their ideas on one the key topics of the day, which will then be discussed by the whole group, leading to key considerations for donor’s engagement with informal justice.


  • Clear and actionable policy considerations and options for engagement with informal justice in developing countries in the form of a policy brief
  • Participating experts’ perspective on donor engagement in the form of a blog

More info

Interactive Brainstorms are initiated and executed by the Secretariat of the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law with the aim to further the knowledge agenda of the Platform. The Secretariat of the Platform is run jointly by The Hague Institute for Global Justice and the Conflict Research Unit of the Clingendael Institute.

  • For more information on the content, program, or your contribution, please contact Alies Rijper (
  • For any practical issues, please feel free to send an email to the Platform Secretariat (



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