The Transitional Justice Barometer is a two year research project, the result of a collaboration between The Centre for Applied Human Rights at the University of York (UK). The Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center (KADEM), Tunis (Tunisia) and Impunity Watch, The Hague (Netherlands). The Barometer is funded by NWO, the Netherland Organisation for Scientific Research.

To ensure that Tunisia’s democratic transition is reinforced and the needs of its people are met, transitional justice mechanisms must be put in place that meet the profound aspirations of the Tunisian people. The Transitional Justice Barometer is building a research capacity in Tunisia that will enable Tunisians from a wide range of backgrounds to articulate their aspirations for the transition to the authorities and increase their participation in transitional justice process. The project is creating and training a research unit within KADEM, and will later train peer researchers from among communities most affected by historical violations, such that they can both contribute to knowledge production around the transition and support the participation of their communities in the process. Research made by the Barometer is intended to be citizencentred, both qualitative and quantitative, focusing on the needs of transition of a wide range of victims, and understanding the impact of unfolding transitional justice mechanisms on the lives of victims and their capacity to participate in them. The project aims to permit a longitudinal understanding of the impact of transitional justice in Tunisia. The research of the Research Unit and peer researchers will be published and shared with authorities, civil society and transitional justice mechanisms, including in forums with affected communities. This is an action research project that seeks both to produce knowledge that can inform global understandings of a victimcentred, participatory transitional justice process, while actively impacting the process in Tunisia.

The research of this study was made by Ahmed Aloui and Hajer Ben Hamza, and the research team led by Wahid Ferchichi. The analysis and preparation of the report was done by Kora Andrieu, Wahid Ferchichi and Simon Robins, with the support of Paul Gready, Marlies Stappers and Ralph Sprenkels.


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