You are cordially invited to the first edition of WTHX, a crossover between a hackathon and a think-tank, on Thursday 25 and Friday 26 September on the beach in Scheveningen.

At WTHX, professionals from the worlds of peace, justice, and security come together with creatives, designers, and techies for two days of collaboration at the beach in Scheveningen. WTHX provides an informal and unique setting for these thinkers and makers to meet, where all participant contribute their personal perspectives and skills towards a shared vision on international challenges. 

In small multidisciplinary teams, the 150 attendees will formulate questions and prototype potential solutions for tomorrow’s issues. They will use the themes peace, justice, and security as their starting point. To boost inspiration, a parallel program of expert guest speakers will be running in the central room. Participants can join this conversation at any time and share their newly developed insights.


25 September

09:30  Registration
10:00  Welcome & short talk
11:00  Workshop
13:00  Lunch
14:00  Thinking session
15:00  Talkshow
18:30  Dinner
20:30  TodaysArt (optional)

26 September

09:30  Walk in
10:00  Recap & speaker
11:00  Prototyping & Talkshow
13:00  Lunch
14:00  Prototyping & Talkshow
17:00  Closing talk and drinks
19:00  TodaysArt (optional)

Register at

Do you have a question? Dont hesitate to contact us at


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